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Monday 21 October 2024

1828 Lieutenant Colonel Hector Maclaine returns to France after the Napoleonic Wars


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Hector Maclaine was born on the Isle of Mull about 1785. He fought in France during the Napoleonic Wars; the medal he was awarded for bravery at the Battle of Nivelle was sold at auction in London in 2020 and realised £22 000. At the end of the Wars in 1815 he remained in France as part of Wellington’s temporary army of occupation; his wife Martha Osborne who he married in 1816 was living with him in France; their son William was born at Valenciennes in 1818. This letter shows him returning to France and setting up a home there with his family.  But when his wife’s father’s widow died he inherited the Osborne family’s substantial properties in Thornbury, Gloucestershire. By the time of the Census of 1841 the family was living there; the son William had already graduated from Oxford with a BA awarded in 1840. All this perhaps indicates that two hundred years ago and despite the recent wars  France was felt to be a desirable place to live; and in Le Havre there is clearly an English-speaking community.




Addressed to Mrs Craig Cameron Bridge Kennoway Fife

Montivilliers 26 Augt 1828


My Dear Margaret

We came here about five days ago in search of a house & found a small lodging which we have taken for three months to be ready to step into the first vacant house that offers. The Situation of this town is very fine & healthy & six miles only from Havre de Grace & a good road to it, we can get the necessarys here but Havre is our chief resort for shopping.

William is at school at Havre or Ingoville near that place at a Mr Dukes’s an English Clergyman of very amiable Manners who preaches  for us all on Sundays at our chapel in Havre. Wiliam is much pleased with him & quite reconciled to his new abode, & I have every reason to think that we shall all continue so to do for the time we propose to remain. We were at a Boarding house at Ingoville for two weeks after our arrival where we met with the old chaperone of archds [Archibald’s?] Wife a Mrs Vanneck she said they have been acquainted since they were children she is married to the honble Mr Vanneck a brother of Lord Huntingfields, of this more hereafter - write me a long letter giving all the news of the Highlands etc & if you have heard from Archibald or Gillian McLaine. I write this in a hurry as I am going in to Havre to the post office. Whenever you write address to Lt. Col. Maclaine   Havre de Grace   France, Care of Captn Meeks  Steam Packet Office Southampton

With United [?] love to you

I remain

Your ever aff[ letter torn here ectionate] Brother H.Maclaine


I shall write you once a month on [letter torn here]


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